All games are bo3 until top 8
For each bracket you complete you will get points (i.e get eliminated from or win, DQs award no points). The amount of points awarded is equal to the amount of bracket entrants - your placing in the bracket. If you make top 8, you are awarded bonus points:
1st: 20
2nd: 14
3rd: 10
4th: 7
5th: 4
7th: 2
(These bonus points are applied for every bracket EXCEPT Rock Paper Scissors)
The top 4 scoring players go into the Finals, where they play for their share of $200.
The format of the Finals will be revealed on the day of the event.
Def Jam
Difficulty must be set to hard in the options menu
Sticky Fingaz is exiled at all tournaments
Banned stages • 125th Street Station • Crow's Office • Dragon House • Red Hook Tire Factory • Gun Hill Garage
Stage Selection 1st Match starts at Club Murder. Loser picks the next stage. Players may not pick a stage they've won on previously in the set
Brawl Minus
3 bans in bo3, 2 bans in bo5, full DSR
Final Destination
Pokémon Stadium 2
Spear Pillar
Counter Picks
Yoshi's Story (Melee)
Lylat Cruise
The game is to be played Team Vs. Mode, with the teams format set to 'Turns'
Character and Stage are always random
In the event of a crash, the game is to be replayed with the same characters and round count.
Ulti 4v4 (Mr. President)
Teams of 4 will each elect one player to be 'Mr. President', who will play Mr. Game and Watch. The end ends when this player loses all of their stocks, regardless of the stock count of the other players
Round Robin Style
2 Stock, Infinite Timer
At the start of the first game, the presidents of both teams will play paper scissors rock. The winner will pick between Hyrule Temple and Palutenas Temple. After the first game, the loser of the previous game will pick between the 2.
In the event of a round robin tie, a 1 game tiebreak will take place until a winner is crowned